YobeSDK  0.3.1
Far-CAFE Listening


The Far-CAFE (Conversational Audio Front-End) variant within the Yobe SDK is meant for situations where a person is talking far from a device while there are noise sources (including other voices) much closer to the device. The job of Far-CAFE is to extract the voice of the far-field person while pushing the near-field noise sources further into the auditory background. A typical use case would be a person talking to an appliance (that is making its own noise) from afar.

When to use this variant

  • This is a Far-Listening scenario as shown in the diagram below:
  • Processed audio is desired to contain as much of the speech and as little of the noise as possible.


Place the provided libraries and header files in a location that can be discovered by your application's build system.

BioListener (Voice Extraction)

CAFE's main functionality is accessed via the Yobe::BioListener class.


Yobe::Create::NewBioListener is used to obtain a shared pointer to a new Yobe::BioListener instance. The instance must then be initialized using the license provided by Yobe, as well as two configuration arguments: the Microphone Orientation and the Output Buffer Type.

// cpp
auto bio_listener = Yobe::Create::NewBioListener();
bio_listener->Init("YOBE_LICENSE", Yobe::MicOrientation::END_FIRE, Yobe::VoiceTarget::FAR_FIELD);
YOBE_SDK_API std::shared_ptr< BioListener > NewBioListener()
Creates a new instance of BioListener.
This orientation has the target voice parallel to the line connecting the two microphones (ideally th...
The target voice is far field (3 feet or more).

Process and Use Audio

Audio data is passed into the Yobe::BioListener one buffer at a time. See Audio Buffers for more details on their format. As seen in the method signatures for the Yobe::BioListener::ProcessBuffer functions, the audio can be encoded as Double or PCM 16-bit Integer. The output buffer size can also vary from call to call.

// cpp
bio_listener->ProcessBuffer(input_buffer_ptr, out_buffer_ptr, input_size, &out_buffer_size);

out_buffer in the above example now contains the processed version of the audio that is contained in input_buffer. An example of what to do with this out_buffer is to append its contents to a stream or larger buffer.

Note: You can find the library's built in buffer size using Yobe::Info::InputBufferSize.


To ensure BioListener is properly deinitialized, simply call Yobe::BioListener::Deinit.

// cpp