YobeSDK  0.2.1

This is an example of how to use the Yobe IDListener.

#include "util/demo_utils.hpp"
#include "util/client_license.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
constexpr auto ENV_VAR_LICENSE = "YOBE_LICENSE";
constexpr auto TEMPLATE_01 = AUDIO_FILES_PATH"/user_1_template_01.wav";
constexpr auto TEMPLATE_02 = AUDIO_FILES_PATH"/user_1_template_02.wav";
constexpr auto TEMPLATE_03 = AUDIO_FILES_PATH"/user_1_template_03.wav";
// These file are in the audio file folder if you want to experiment.
constexpr auto TEMPLATE_LONG = AUDIO_FILES_PATH"/user_1_template_40s.wav";
constexpr auto TEMPALTE_DATA = AUDIO_FILES_PATH"/user_1_template_data.dat";
std::vector<double> YobeProcessing(const std::string& license, std::vector<double> input_buffer);
std::shared_ptr<Yobe::BiometricTemplate> CreateTemplateFromFile(std::shared_ptr<Yobe::IDListener> id_listener, std::string wav_file_path);
std::ofstream log_stream;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cout << "cpp demo requires a .wav file as input.\n";
} else {
// Just printing out the setting the IDListener expects
std::cout << "Just checking to see if the Yobe parameters match the audio file.\n";
std::cout << "Expected sampling rate: " << Yobe::Info::SamplingRate() << '\n';
std::cout << "Expected buffer size in seconds: " << Yobe::Info::AudioBufferTime() << '\n';
std::cout << "Number expected input channels: " << Yobe::Info::InputChannels() << '\n';
std::cout << "Number expected output channels: " << Yobe::Info::OutputChannels() << "\n\n";
const std::string file_path(argv[1]);
// Preparing input buffer
const auto input_buffer = DemoUtil::ReadAudioFile(file_path);
std::cout << '\n';
// all the Yobe processing happens in this function
const auto processed_audio = YobeProcessing(getLicense(ENV_VAR_LICENSE), input_buffer);
// Writing the processed data to a .wav file
DemoUtil::WriteAudioFile(file_path, processed_audio);
return 0;
std::vector<double> YobeProcessing(const std::string& license, std::vector<double> input_buffer) {
auto id_listener = Yobe::Create::NewIDListener();
if (id_listener == nullptr) {
std::cout << "Probably the library you have does not have biometrics." << std::endl;
return {};
// Here we set up our logging callback
Yobe::Info::RegisterCallback([](const char* mess) { log_stream << mess << '\n'; });
// Init the IDListener.
auto init_status = id_listener->Init(license.c_str(), INIT_DATA_PATH);
if (init_status != Yobe::Status::YOBE_OK) {
std::cout << "Init returned: " << Yobe::Info::StdError(init_status) << '\n';
return {};
// Calculate the input buffer size that you are going to pass in to ProcessBuffer.
const auto input_size = Yobe::Info::InputBufferSize();
// Prepare output buffer for collecting the out put from the IDListener.
std::vector<double> output_buffer;
// This is the pre-allocated buffer that will be returned with processed data in it.
std::vector<double> scratch_buffer;
const auto total_input_samples = input_buffer.size();
std::shared_ptr<Yobe::BiometricTemplate> voice_template;
std::cout << "Yobe has started processing.\n";
bool did_mid_process_enrollment = false;
for (size_t input_index = 0; input_index < total_input_samples; input_index += input_size) {
// This can be used to determine if the selected user was detected in the processed buffer.
bool is_user_verify{};
// Here we are processing the audio a buffer at a time.
status = id_listener->ProcessBuffer(&input_buffer[input_index], scratch_buffer, input_size, is_user_verify);
log_stream << "Yobe::ProcessBuffer: " << Yobe::Info::StdError(status) << " | User detected: " << std::boolalpha << is_user_verify << "\n";
// Process enough data to calibrate, then enroll.
if (!did_mid_process_enrollment && status == Yobe::Status::YOBE_OK) {
// An example of enrolling a user during processing.
// Create two templates and merge them into one.
auto template_1 = CreateTemplateFromFile(id_listener, TEMPLATE_01);
auto template_2 = CreateTemplateFromFile(id_listener, TEMPLATE_02);
voice_template = id_listener->MergeUserTemplates({template_1, template_2});
did_mid_process_enrollment = true;
// Now we check the status to make sure that the audio got processed.
std::cout << "ProcessBuffer returned: " << Yobe::Info::StdError(status) << '\n';
} else if (!scratch_buffer.empty()) {
// Now we collect our scratch buffer into are output buffer
output_buffer.insert(output_buffer.end(), scratch_buffer.begin(), scratch_buffer.end());
// Here we are cleaning up and deiniting the IDListener.
auto deinit_status = id_listener->Deinit();
if (deinit_status != Yobe::Status::YOBE_STOPPED) {
std::cout << "There was an error when deinit the IDListener.\n";
std::cout << "IDListener has finished processing.\n";
// closing the log stream
return output_buffer;
std::shared_ptr<Yobe::BiometricTemplate> CreateTemplateFromFile(std::shared_ptr<Yobe::IDListener> id_listener, std::string wav_file_path) {
std::cout << "Now registering a template.\n";
auto template_samples = DemoUtil::ReadAudioFile(wav_file_path);
std::uint32_t sample_idx = 0;
std::vector<double> processed_template_samples{};
while (status == Yobe::Status::ENROLLING) {
if (sample_idx + Yobe::Info::InputBufferSize() > template_samples.size()) {
std::cout << "All template samples have been processed, stopping enrollment manually\n";
std::vector<double> out_samples{};
bool is_user_verify{};
status = id_listener->ProcessBuffer(&template_samples[sample_idx], out_samples, Yobe::Info::InputBufferSize(), is_user_verify);
sample_idx += Yobe::Info::InputBufferSize();
processed_template_samples.insert(processed_template_samples.end(), out_samples.begin(), out_samples.end());
return id_listener->RegisterTemplate(processed_template_samples.data(), processed_template_samples.size());
YOBE_SDK_API std::shared_ptr< IDListener > NewIDListener()
Creates a new instance of IDListener.
YOBE_SDK_API int32_t InputChannels()
Returns the number of input channels required for processing.
YOBE_SDK_API double AudioBufferTime()
Returns the processing audio buffer length in seconds.
YOBE_SDK_API void RegisterCallback(std::function< void(const char *)> log_callback)
Registers a callback function to receive Yobe logging information.
YOBE_SDK_API uint32_t InputBufferSize()
Returns the input buffer size in samples.
YOBE_SDK_API const char * StdError(Status status)
Translates a Yobe Status code into a more readable string.
YOBE_SDK_API uint32_t SamplingRate(bool output_sampling_rate=true)
Returns the expected sampling rate of the input/output buffers.
YOBE_SDK_API int32_t OutputChannels()
Returns the number of processing output channels.
Yobe status codes that give information on internal state.
Definition: yobe_lib_util.hpp:56
This means that the engine successfully stopped.
An unknown error has occurred.
The function executed successfully.
The algorithm needs more data before it can start processing the audio.
This means the last buffer was processed while the IDListener was configured for enrolling a new Biom...